BARS | EVH 5150 Shoes | Review + Demo | Runnin’

Did you know Eddie Van Halen has his own line of shoes? And flip flops too. Though not covered here. I recently acquired a pair and wanted to show everyone exactly what to expect in terms of tone and attitude. One can not wear the shoes and not have an Eddie Van Halen grin on your face while runnin with the devil.

So Goddamn Lonesome now available on all streaming services

So Goddamn Lonesome (So Doggone Lonesome) performed by FISTFUL OF CASH is now available on all major streaming services including Deezer, Amazon Prime, iTunes, Google Play and Spotify. This Johnny Cash remake is a hard-rock, fueled duet between Hilary Spray and Rob Walsh that will leave you lying on the floor. Dial up So Goddamn Lonesome and do yourself a favor

Introducing Sunday Night Machines

Mark and Sean from Stellar Stellar are creating a new live Twitch show this fall called SUNDAY NIGHT MACHINES which will showcase some of the local electronica talent in Portland. Currently under pre-production, the show will consist of an hour long performance with a short intermission to interview the artist. We’ll be taking questions from chat as well as offering prizes. Our friend Jeremy from ShapeNoise will host and we expect to do a run of 10 shows for season 1. If you are interested in being a performer, please contact us through this page or via email: