An excerpt from the pilot episode of SUNDAY NIGHT MACHINES (in production) featuring Portland electronic duo COSMONOX.
Category: Webisodes
new web episodes
Introducing Sunday Night Machines
Mark and Sean from Stellar Stellar are creating a new live Twitch show this fall called SUNDAY NIGHT MACHINES which will showcase some of the local electronica talent in Portland. Currently under pre-production, the show will consist of an hour long performance with a short intermission to interview the artist. We’ll be taking questions from chat as well as offering prizes. Our friend Jeremy from ShapeNoise will host and we expect to do a run of 10 shows for season 1. If you are interested in being a performer, please contact us through this page or via email:
New Episode | Movie Spoiler Alerts Ep 12
We’ve got the real juice this time. And this time its the Solo A Star Wars Story uncredited guest cameos. Welcome to Movie Spoiler Alerts.
New Episode | Movie Spoiler Alerts Ep 11
The world of block busters can be confusing. Enter our show MOVIE SPOILER ALERTS. This episode, we learn that Justice League 2 is Cancelled but Justice League 3 is a Go!
New Episode | Movie Spoiler Alerts Ep 10
Movie Spoiler Alerts (best new show Youtube 2018) brings out the facts. Lots of Rose Tico toys moving. What could this mean? It means she will get her own stand alone movie and it will be great.
New Episode | Movie Spoiler Alerts Ep 9
Movie Spoiler Alerts delivers many new spoiler but also a lot of spoilers ALL ABOUT AVENGERS INFINITY WAR. You will love ALL of them.
New Episode | Movie Spoiler Alerts Ep 7
Movie Spoiler Alerts is back. And why not? This episode are plenty of spoilers but most of all: Something Bad Comes to the DCEU. Plus our guess at what this is.
New Episode | Movie Spoiler Alerts Ep 6
Movie spoilers, leaks and industry rumors. Its all here: Admiral Holdo stand alone film, Black Panther review round up, and of course Aquaman.
New Episode | Movie Spoiler Alerts Ep 5
Spoilers, leaks and rumors. This episode we discuss Black Panther, ComicsGate Documentary and Rush Bio Pic.
New Episode | Movie Spoiler Alerts Ep 4
Welcome back! Episode 4 is available for those who follow our Movie Spoiler Alerts. This episode covers Solo A Star Wars Story, Black Panther, Capt Marvel outfit: