Are you a raging Soundcloud nerd? Well head on over to our latest SoundCloud page dedicated to dubtronics band STELLAR STELLAR (pronounced double stellar). We’ll post new tracks, old tracks and jams that may not see an official release even on the Catalog itself. Soundcloud exclusives. Please subscribe and tell your friends.
Category: Updates
ongoing reports of what’s new and what’s news
Beats by Cade | New Series Announcement
B-Catalog is proud to present a new web series for the Summer 2017: Beats by Cade. This 10 episode series features NW drummer Mike Cade as he explains some of the lesser known drum patterns and the drummers who created them. Stay tune. Subscribe and like.
New series arrives this May – The Path to Redemption
Its official. Our latest series THE PATH TO REDEMPTION is coming end of May. This 10 episode series features a terrific ensemble in which 8 characters square off in a battle royal at the office. They form alliances, break treaties and even try to take control of the situation. There’s… Continue reading
Man In Black studios releases SNAKEHEAD, stop motion short
Man In Black Studios posted their first stop motion animated short, called Snakehead. MIB has done our StarP TreP series including the music video and our PSA series. Check it and be amazed.
Twitter Account Added
B-Catalog Records and Films has multiple twitter accounts under various artists names but none for the label itself, so we decided to slap one together, to share new releases of songs and videos. You can find and follow us at Be on the look out for news about artists, upcoming shows, and specials from the product catalog itself. We may post behind the scenes footage here and making of material that wouldn’t grace the home site or Facebook page. We could also retweet and favorite things we like. It sounds like fun because it is. Welcome aboard.
New Web Series | StarP TreP: A Galactic Holoday
The Year is 2115 and the Earth is suspiciously low on salad dressing. Especially ranch. The corporation which handles condiment food services, STARP TREP, has dispatched two administrators to find out what is causing a delay in the supply chain. Lieutenant Murray Mitchell McKenzie, The Scotsman and Communications Officer Barbara “Babs” Riley have boarded their company van and are en route to the processing center.
Who knows what awaits The Scotsman and Babs on their adventure? Will The Scotsman get trapped in a gift shop of an AirBnB? Will their van fail to start at one of the many rest stops? Do they require the service of their Captain to help get them out of a sticky situation with the natives?
Meanwhile on Space City, a floating factory that makes the condiments for The Food Federation, two robots find themselves caught up in an intergalactic conspiracy. Panda Barbiturates, a Delta Level Green HR worker is tasked with instructing a newly hired robot, Beep Beepio (BBPO), one of the last generation HustleBots created by the now defunct Angry Blackman Tech Industries.
BBPO has other plans though. Using a loop hole in security, he plans to get direct access to The Master, Space City’s CEO and partner controlling interest in the firm. With direct access to The Master, BBPO intends to unleash a torrent of truths and bring equity to the Universe at last.
These are the adventures of StarP TreP: A Galatic Holoday