Into the Kaoss-Verse, Vol 1 is the debut release from Portland, OR’s Kaoss Planet, a one man-electronica-band featuring Mark Mager (Dr. Theopolis) performing on 2 Korg Kaossilators and a Korg Mini-KP.
This album consists of 11 songs taken from the live stream performances on the B-Catalog Records YouTube and Twitch channels, edited down to 3-5 minute synth pop songs.
The album clocks in at just under 46 minutes and contains instrumental songs that could be considered from all genres.
Track Listing
Northbound on the Trans-Kaotic Hwy
The Frank Zappa Memorial Bbq
Sunrise of a Digital Dawn
Clap Your Hams Pork Your Feet
Kick out the Jimz
Castle Creepington
Wicked Wings
Big Showdown
Third Times a Sham
Chat Relay Broken
Return of the Atomic Boogie