Kaoss Planet (artist)

Kaoss Planet is a one man electronica based act featuring Portland producer/artist Mark Mager, performing on 2 Korg Kaossilators and a Mini-Kaoss Pad. His set up is very similar to DJ turntables and mixer.

Live improv artist Kaoss Planet

Kaoss Planet performs a weekly live music stream on the B-Catalog Records & Films YouTube channel or its Twitch channel.

In 2022 Kaoss Planet released a 3 volume set Into the Koass-Verse, featuring selections taken from the Kaoss Planet live stream, edited down to 3-5 minute pop songs.

Into the Kaoss-Verse Vol 1, consists of 11 electronic instrumental songs that vary from fast driving chase songs to slow dripping synth madness. A series of innovate music videos is planned for future release to help promote this debut release. Highlights inclued The Frank Zappa Memorial Bbq, Clap Your Hams, Pork Your Feet, and Return of the Atomic Boogie.

Into the Kaoss-Verse Vol 2, was released on April 20th, 2023 and consists of 11 electronic instrumental songs also taken from the live streaming show. These songs continue the upbeat and fun music created on 2 Kaoss Pads. Highlights include Cat on a Cold Tin Roof and Psychedelic Jams on My Backporch Heater.

Into the Kaoss-Verse Vol 3, was released on April, 2024 and in keeping with the format consists of 11 electronic instrumental songs taken from the live streaming show. These 11 tracks are some of the best Kaoss Planet songs released to date and complete the trilogy started with Volume 1 of Into the Kaoss-Verse. Highlights include Fresh by the Pound and March of the Funkbots

.All Kaoss Planet songs are available to stream on ALL platforms, major and indie including Spotify, Amazon, Apple iTunes, Deezer, and more more more.

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